He who plants a tree plants hope. It is students who hold the future of Pakistan in their hands. The military has the mandate to safeguard the geographical boundaries of Pakistan; youth have the obligation to protect its ideological peripheries. The world perception for Pakistan is changing for better, not for nothing; it is so because Pakistan is fast on the path of progress, persistently projecting positive image.
This was the upshot of the tri-fold event held at Sindh University – tree plantation under PM’s Green Pakistan plantation drive, motivational lecture by General Officer Commanding (GOC) Hyderabad Cantonment Major General Muhammad Kashif Azad on the topic “The Role of Youth in Nation Building” at the auditorium of Shaheed Mohtrama Benazir Bhutto Convention Centre of the varsity, which was packed to capacity with students; and paying of homage to the valiant-Pakistan Air Force pilots for downing Indian trespassing plane the same day last year i.e. February 27. SU vice chancellor, in his welcome remarks as the event chief host, said youth power was a recognized force in the world. The youth were filled with tremendous energy and towering ambitions. They could be motivated as both constructive and destructive force. He said unfortunately a large number of those youth were without proper guidelines about their future. It was dangerous to allow them to remain so; as it might well increase their frustration which would result in chaos and disturbance.
“Pakistan is that lucky country where youth pocket outnumbers every other population segment. Hence, it becomes all the more necessary for us to impart them with necessary grooming and guidance. It becomes rather more significant in today’s national context when Pakistan is faced with innumerable internal and external challenges”, Dr. Burfat said.
VC said he hoped the worthy guest speaker’s reflections on the given topic would open new vistas of knowledge for youth present and through them for all youth across Pakistan.
The vice chancellor eulogized the endeavours of Director STAGS Dr. Sumera Umrani and SU plantation Incharge Dr. Nabila Shah and their respective teams towards successful organization of the event. Event chief guest and keynote speaker Major General Azad, in his impressively outlined and efficiently-structured PowerPoint presentation, impressed upon youth to shun despondency, believe in action, stay disciplined, strive for self-improvement, embrace diversity, avoid incivility, adapt to change, work to serve not just to earn money, stop inclining to inferiority complex as nation members, dream big and take pride in who and what they were. “We are proud to celebrate today the sacrifices made by valiant armed forces of Pakistan, Pakistan police, Pakistan coast-guards and our civilian heroes”, General Azad said.
General Azad thanked vice chancellor Dr. Burfat and his dedicated team for have taken efforts to put up an impressive show promoting national interest.
Videos accentuating social sector sacrifices of Pakistan army; exceptional accomplishments of Pakistani youth in international arena in multiple spheres; and sensitizing youth to care for climate, environment and mother earth were also intermittently screened.
SU student squads presented mimes underscoring odds and strains armed forces of Pakistan underwent with a view to impart nation calm and peaceful times to progress.
Earlier, the worthy chief guest accompanied by SU vice chancellor Prof. Dr. Fateh Muhammad Burfat, VC-LUMHS Prof. Dr. Bikha Ram Devrajani and PVC-MUET Prof. Dr. Taha Hussain Ali planted saplings at SU pavilion premises under the slogan “Sarsabz-o-Shadab Pakistan”. SU Incharge Plantation Dr. Nabila Shah Jeelani, PVCs, focal persons, deans, army officers, academic and administrative heads, faculty and students joined the dignitaries in so doing. SU Director STAGS Dr. Sumera Umrani and Major Muhammad Usama of Pakistan army moderated the proceedings of the program in equal parts. Towards the end, cultural souvenirs were also exchanged.