It is heartening to note that the country’s apex anti-corruption organization NAB is a role model not only for the country but also for entire SAARC countries. Owing to outstanding performance of NAB, Pakistan’s corruption perception Index (CPI) has been decreased from 175 position to 116. Pakistan is the only country whose corruption perception index is persistently seen a declining trend. The performance of NAB has been lauded by SAARC countries including India. NAB had been unanimously elected as chairman of SAARC Anti-Corruption Forum which is the great achievement of Pakistan due to NAB’s efforts.
Pakistan and China have already inked a memorandum of understanding MoU for the eradication of corruption. Pakistan and China would jointly work for ensuring transparency in China Pakistan economic coordination CPEC project. NAB is only anti-corruption institution which is playing vital role in recovering the looted money from culprit. NAB during the last 2017 has recovered Rs 50 billion from corrupt and deposited in national exchequer last year. The recovery made possible to return to hundreds of affected and some govt. departments. This reflects excellent performance of NAB. The reports of renowned national and international organizations like PILDAT Transparency International and World Economic Forum also confirms excellent performance of NAB.
NAB is determined to eradicate corruption under the dynamic leadership of incumbent Chairman NAB Honorable Mr. Justice Javed Iqbal. Corruption is curse and mother of all the evils and is major hurdle in progress of Pakistan.
NAB was established in 1,999 to punish the corrupt and deposit looted money in national exchequer. NAB has devised National anti-corruption Strategy which has been widely been acknowledged as effective strategy for elimination of corruption. The jurisdiction of NAB has already been extended across the country. Eradication of corruption has become the voice of the whole nation. Chairman is working day and night to eliminate corruption. Chairman has transformed NAB into a vibrant institute which is active in checking corruption sans any discrimination. Head office of NAB is situated at Islamabad while eight regional offices are working at Karachi Lahore Quetta Peshawar Rawalpindi Sukkur Multan and Gilgit Baltistan.
Chairman NAB Justice Javed Iqbal has termed eradication of corruption as his topmost priority. That is why he had adopted zero tolerance policy against corruption.
Chairman NAB has ordered filing early hearing pleas of 1,138 pending references in various NAB courts. So that Rs 900 billion could be recovered from corrupt and deposited in national kitty. And culprits could be punished by the courts.
The Chairman NAB has also taken notice that why 499 inquiries 287 investigations had not been taken to logical conclusion by relevant regional bureaus in mandatory 10 months period. It is important to mention here that a total of 1138 references were being heard by various NAB courts. The under trial cases included 347 references of NAB Lahore 275 references of NAB Karachi were under trial. As many as 185 references of NAB Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 97 references of NAB Balochistan 171 cases of Rawalpindi 34 references of Multan 29 references of NAB Sukkur are currently under trial in various Accountability Courts.
Justice Javed Iqbal has ordered inquiry in Multan metro project which seems to violation of PPRA rules and reported corruption in 56 public limited companies in Punjab and Inquiry to fix responsibility in Pakistan Steel Mills destruction and putting names of the accused in ECL.
Chairman NAB has also taken notice of corruption in allotment of Industrial and commercial plots allotment by Gwadar Industrial and Estate Development Authority. All such decisions have been taken in a period of one month which proved that the. Chairman is seriously trying to eradicate corruption. Chairman is determined to make investments in Gwadar Balochistan safe and he believes in strictly punishing the people who try to create any hurdle in rapid economic progress.
The Chairman NAB has also started grading system to judge annual performance of NAB officials. Under grading system the performance of regional bureaus of NAB is scrutinised in January and February every year. Regional bureaus are being informed about their merits and demerits under the Grading system. They are also being directed to overcome their shortcomings. Positive results of grading system were still pouring in. NAB has also introduced computer based effective monitoring and evaluation system. Under this system complaint number is being affixed at each complaint which helps maintaining the record and proper monitoring and evaluation of performance.
Chairman NAB has himself decided to listen people’s grievances on last Thursday of each month which proved very successful and he has ordered all regional bureaus of NAB to also listen people’s grievances on every last Thursday of each month. The regional bureaus have also been directed to ensure disposal of case in mandatory ten months period. NAB has also established a complaint cell at each regional office. CIT system has been established to make the workings of investigation officers more effective. Senior officers have been included in CIT to prevent any influence.
NAB has setup more than 50 thousand Character building societies in various universities for curbing future corruption. MoU has been sighed with HEC in this regard. NAB has established a forensic laboratory in Islamabad for scrutinizing documents and fingerprints etc. The LAB not only saves time but also ensures secrecy and quality.
NAB has also launched a campaign against corruption last year. Video messages SAY NO TO CORRUPTION were aired in cinema houses and various channels and mobile messages against corruption were also send to people with help of cellular companies.
Chairman NAB has ordered expedite efforts of enhancing awareness among people against the menace of corruption. He has also ordered to continue awareness campaign. He also directed to multiply efforts for arrest of absconder and Proclaimed Offenders. Joint efforts could ensure eradication of corruption as the whole nation is on board against corruption. NAB will leave no stone unturned for eradication of corruption under the chairmanship of Justice Javed Iqbal, Chairman NAB.
Published in Daily Times, January 3rd 2018.